Jesus had lived 33 years, 29 until he started performing his miracles. Most of those years, and 80 % of his miracles happened in the North part of Israel in the area of the Galilee and the Sea of the Galilee (named also lake Ginosar, lake Tiberius, Lake of Gennesaret and more).
In our tours we will follow Jesus and be in the real places where he lived , taught , preached , prayed and performed his miracles. We will encounter ancient ruins and vivid churches and locations which will tell us about those events, which took place here in the Holy Land, 2000 years ago . According to your wishes, we can tour for a day , a week, or more.
If you have only one or two days I would definitely recommend following Jesus's footsteps in Jerusalem.
In Jerusalem we can visit the sites where Jesus spent time in the 'Holy Week' starting from Palm Sunday till the location of the crucifixion, burial site and most important - the resurrection of Jesus. Visiting Mountain of Olives is a must, including a visit to Gethsemane Church, the Dominus Flevit Church- where Jesus wept over the near destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple, the Chapel of the Ascension were Jesus ascended to heaven, the St. Peter in Gallicantu church where Peter denied Jesus three times, the Last Supper and the Upper room - Cenaculum and then walk along the 14 stations of the Via Dolorosa or just going through the streets of the old city of Jerusalem.
If you find it easier to connect to the land and the gardens, than ancient structures, we can go to the Garden Tomb and see where Jesus was buried .

Customize for families and kids

1-9 days

Customize for people with special needs
Most of his life Jesus spend his time in the north part of Israel - that's also were he had performed 80% of his miracles so we should definitely, if time permits, visit those places.
We can visit Kafr qanna/cana (the first miracle), Mt Tavor (the transfiguration), Nazareth (the annunciation and home), Capernaum known as the city of Jesus, Mt Beatitude (the sermon on the mount), Tabha - the miracle of multiplication of loaves and fishes (and one of the most famous Christian mosaics in the world! ) and the church of the Primacy of St. Peter and Mensa Christi. Kursi - with the miracle of the swine, the Jordan river- the baptism site of Jesus,and the city of Magdala.
We can also go to the Judean desert to the suggested location were Mountain of Temptation was and visit Bethlehem and the Church of the Nativity, or visit Qumran where the Dead sea Scrolls from the days of Jesus were found and maybe John the Baptist was one of the people who copied some of them in that location.

On those tours , we can go for example to Emek Ha'ela- the Valley of Ela - where David (who wasn't a king yet..) fought against Goliath, and follow hundreds of events of king and prophets in Israel (Alisha, Elijah, Jonas and more)